Apple has added Google Now style functionality into the Notification Center in iOS7 with a feature called Today, using information from your calendar appointments and knowledge of your frequently-visited locations to proactively offer you information and advice that it thinks will be relevant.

The Google Now app first launched on Android was made available on iOS back in April as an update to Google’s existing search app. Apple  has been gradually distancing itself from Google, most notably by replacing Google Maps with Apple Maps – hopefully with those lessons now firmly learned … 

Like Google Now, Today shows you the current weather forecast for your location, uses its knowledge of where you live and work, coupled with live traffic information, to predict how long it will take you to get there. We would expect it to mirror other functionality, such as displaying public transport information when you are near a train or subway station.

From a report by a MacRumors reader, it appears that Today may take the proactive information and advisories one step further than Google Now:

We’d expect Apple to expand Today’s functionality in the run-up to the launch of iOS 7 in the Fall.

(Thanks, Dan and Drew.)