iOS 9 has now been out for 24 hours now and the first usage data is in. According to analytics from Mixpanel, iOS 9 has crossed the 12% adoption mark of all iOS devices one day after launch. Although 12% is a good figure, it is actually down a bit from last year’s rate of adoption of iOS 8, which managed 16% device penetration during the same period. This is despite iOS 9 actually being easier to update due to lower storage space requirements, but it’s possible that early server hiccups led some users to delay updating. Mixpanel says iOS 9 and iOS 8 are currently reporting similar upgrade paths:

In fact, there are 11% of readers already on the iOS 9.1 beta, which means 2/3rds of our audience are currently using some version of iOS 9.

Although it is a bit concerning that iOS 9 adoption is slower than iOS 8, given Apple’s efforts to make iOS updates easier, it’s hard to make conclusions until more data is available. Many users will not have received the Software Update notification yet — it can take up to seven days for the automatic OS prompt to show on devices. iOS 9 will also get a bump when the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus ship next Friday, which come preinstalled with the new OS.

(Note that other publications are reporting iOS 9 adoption is actually faster than iOS 8. This is not the case and arose because of an error reading the Mixpanel charts.)

Data from Tapjoy says similar:

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