Apple’s new iPhones were the top three best-selling smartphones in the US in November, says Kantar, despite the high price of the iPhone X. In contrast, Samsung’s flagship phone, the Galaxy S8, only managed 6th position.

There was more good news in other countries, says the firm …

The iPhone X achieved ‘stellar’ performance in China, Japan and the UK. China was singled out as a market in which Apple achieved high switching rates from Android.

In the UK, Apple ‘easily’ retook the #1 slot from Samsung, total iOS market share hitting 49.4%, and the iPhone X selling particularly well.

The new iPhones also took the top two slots in Japan.

In the USA, however, the iPhone X was out-sold by the less-expensive iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus models. Overall US iOS market share fell by 3.8% in the three months ending in November. iOS market share also dipped slightly in Europe, falling 0.6% across the big five markets.