Eguchi told VentureBeat:

Nintendo recently revealed at E3 the release of Steel Diver as its first free-to-play game that will be available by March 2014. While the exact business model for the game has yet to be determined, a successful launch of Steel Diver could strongly help shape the future possibilities of a free-to-play Animal Crossing.

Eguchi also noted that the primary audience that loves playing Animal Crossing consists of many of the same people that enjoy free-to-play games on their mobile phones.

“When you look at our main audiences in Japan, they are definitely that audience that has smartphones. [They are] women in their late teens and early 20’s. They are certainly playing free-to-play games on their smartphone.”

With the huge success of popular free-to-play games that already utilize micro-transactions and in-game purchases, such as FarmVille, Candy Crush, and even MOBA giant League of Legends, there’s no doubt that Nintendo could come up with a successful business plan for its beloved Animal Crossing series in the future.