Traffic violations or offenses are designed  in place by the law in various countries to  ensure that car owner are aware of their  duty to ensure safe and responsible  driving at all times and also remain  respectful of the right of other road users.  However, traffic violations are classed into  two main types, depending on the severity  of the violation and the laws of the state  the offense was committed to.  

Types of Traffic Violations 

  1. Minor traffic Violations  

  2. Major traffic violations  

Minor Traffic Violations 

These are violations that are known as civil  infractions because it does not result in jail  time. These violations are often known as  mere, careless driving. It usually does not  go on public record. Examples include;  

  • Driving over the speed limit 

  • Not driving with a seat belt on 

  • Parking ticket 

  • Disobeying the traffic lights  

  • Disobeying traffic devices e.g. traffic  cones 

  • Driving with Faulty parts e.g. broken  headlights  

Major Traffic Violation

A major traffic violation is considered a  grave offense and can vary according to  the traffic laws of the state or country.  They are known as general misdemeanors  or felonies, meaning that the actions made  by the car owner can cause injury to the  car or another. Examples of which include;  

  • Driving under the influence  

  • Vehicular manslaughter or homicide * Failure to obey police 

  • Not staying at the scene of an accident 

Penalties for Traffic Violations  

Traffic violations can result in several  consequences. A receipt of a parking  ticket and other minor traffic violations  result in fines that deviate. For example, if  a driver is caught speeding and also  happens to have no insurance the fine is  most likely going to rise. These fines are  normally given a deadline for which the  offender can face more serious consequences for failure to pay on time. In  various states and countries, the time limit  to pay is usually between 21-28 days.  

Another penalty includes making a court  appearance. In the United Kingdom, not  yielding to the traffic light often results in  the driver receiving a notice of intended  procedure, where he is compelled to  identify himself from the evidence supplied  by the court. Which is also known as a  strict liability offense. Failure to show up in  court would result in paying a heavier fine.  

Minor traffic violations also attract  penalties of traffic schools and demerit  points on the driver’s record. In other  cases, vehicles can be impounded. 

Major traffic violations usually result in  criminal charges that if proven to be  accurate, could attract prison time,  immediate suspension or retrieval of the  license that can last a few weeks to years,  and costly insurance rates.  


It is always necessary to be aware of and  abide by the various traffic laws of the  state you reside in. In the scenario where  you have violated any of the law, it is  necessary to acquire the services of a  Solicitor to guide you on any steps and  procedures you need.  

  1. Is it possible for a parking ticket to be  appealed? 

You may appeal your parking ticket. In  most cases, the easiest option is to plead  guilty and pay the fine but it is not always  advised to do so. Usually, traffic solicitors  or attorneys advise the offenders to come  to court and take a date. The court will  then take into consideration your appeal  and the circumstances revolving around  the ticket. If the appeal request is  dismissed, you are still mandated to pay  the fine.  

  1. Is it required to have an attorney or  solicitor? 

Except where the offense is not classed as  a criminal charge, it is within your rights to  have a court-appointed attorney  representing you. Minor violations do not need legal  representation but it is often advised to  engage the services of a traffic lawyer that  could aid you in achieving your desired  outcome. 

  1. How many points can lead to your  drivers getting suspended? 

It would vary on the state or country you  live in and also where the offense was  committed.  

  1. What is the difference between traffic  school and driving school? 

Generally, traffic schools are intended for  drivers who have acquired tickets or points  to help them get those points off their  license. It is usually mandated but the  court. 

While driving schools are put in place for  individuals that do not own a driver’s  license but are desirous of getting one