A squiggly line graph is not a function because it does not have a single output for every input. The purpose of a function is to provide a predictable result for a specific set of inputs, but a squiggly line graph does not follow this pattern. Instead, its outputs vary depending on the specific point on the graph that is being examined. In some cases, it might even be impossible to say for certain what the output will be for a given input.

A line is a function if it is continuous and its graph is a smooth curve. To determine if a line is continuous, you must first determine if it is a function. A function is a set of ordered pairs where each element in the set corresponds to a unique output. If you can find two points on the line that are not in the same line, then the line is not a function.

A squiggle on a graph is a graphical representation of the data in which the points are connected by a line. This line can be curved or straight, and it helps to visualize the trend of the data.

A squiggly line graph is also called a scatterplot. This graph is used to show the relationship between two variables. The x-axis is the first variable and the y-axis is the second variable. Points are plotted on the graph and they will be either close or far from each other depending on the relationship between the two variables.

A) A rockB) A numberC) The square root of minus oneA rock is not a function because it cannot be described by a formula. A number is not a function because it cannot be assigned to any specific output. The square root of minus one is not a function because it is not a real number.

This is a function because it takes one input and produces a specific output for that input. The mapping maps every real number to a unique complex number. This ensures that the function is well-defined and produces a result for every input.

A function is a set of ordered pairs where each element in the set corresponds to a unique output. The most common type of function is a linear function, which is a mathematical equation that can be graphed on a coordinate plane. Other examples of functions include polynomial functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions.

A vertical line is not a function because it does not identify a unique output for every input. It is simply a straight line that does not vary in any way as you move along it. To be considered a function, a graph must show a specific relationship between inputs and outputs, and a vertical line does not do that.

Finding a function is a process of locating a equation that describes the relationship between two variables. The equation can be linear or nonlinear, and it can be solved for one variable if it is in terms of the other. There are many methods for finding a function, including graphing, solving systems of equations, and using calculus.

To create a squiggly line on Desmos, first select the “Draw” tab and then choose the “Line” tool. Next, click and drag your mouse cursor to create the desired shape. You can also adjust the line’s properties by clicking on the gear icon and selecting “Options.

A squiggle graph is a plot of data that is nonlinear and has a lot of random fluctuations. To make a squiggle graph, you need to first find the equation of the line that best fits your data. Then, you need to plot your data points and draw the line on your graph. Finally, you need to add the random fluctuations to your graph.