Is Aldi Open On Easter?
Aldi is a short name for Albrecht Discount. In 1961, the two brothers separated the business due to a dispute. Since 1961, the company began to grow internationally and today, they have made one of the biggest supermarkets in the world.
Why is Aldi different from other stores?
Aldi is popularly known for its cheap prices and no-frills store design. Aldi deals with groceries with private labels which is majorly the reason Aldi sells at low prices. Aldi is quite different from other stores based on its low price, and its limited stock selection of items. Aldi’s fastest-moving grocery is about 1,300 which makes stores similar while most grocery stores sell about 30,000 items.
Do sales increase for Aldi during Easter?
According to research, most large stores including Aldi make more sales during festive periods of which we can categorize Easter to be one. Due to high demand in sales, most large stores would not want to close down during a festive day like Easter, which makes people beg the question “is Aldi open on Easter?” Based on research on Aldi, the supermarket opens on Friday which is Good Friday, and also opens on Easter Saturday, but the store closes on Easter Sunday to be opened again on Easter Monday.
A lot of people do not know the opening time of Aldi between Easter Friday and Easter Monday. In subsequent sessions in this article, answers were provided to the time Aldi opens during the Easter festival.
What is Aldi’s opening time during the Easter period?
The Easter period is a festive period where many customers go to stores to buy goods in bulk due to the fact most stores will close up during the Easter period. This has made many people ask the question about Aldi if they open on Easter. Every store has its opening days during festive periods including Aldi. The following explains Aldi’s opening during the Easter period.
Aldi opens on Good Fridays from 8 am to 10 pmAldi opens on Easter Saturdays from 8 am to 10 pmOn Easter Sunday which is the day people regard most as Easter, the majority of large supermarkets including Aldi close on Easter Sunday to be opened on Easter Monday from 8 am to 8 pm.
Based on this information, customers ensure they get all the goods they need on Good Friday and Easter Saturday since the supermarket closes on Easter Sunday.
People try to find out the main reason a supermarket like Aldi will close down on an Easter Sunday. This will be discussed in the next session
What is the main reason Aldi closes on Easter Sunday?
For large supermarkets with more than 280 square meters which are around 3,000 square ft. such as Tesco, Aldi, etc. there is a rule that governs the time they open especially on Sundays, Easter Sundays, and Christmas. Some of which are:
Large stores are not allowed to open on Easter Sundays and Christmas
Large stores can open on a Sunday for just 6 hours i.e., regular Sundays that are not Easter or Christmas
Small-scale supermarkets can open any time of the day even during festive periods
The stated above rules are active in the UK and the US. A small-scale supermarket can open any time of the day compared to a large scale. The stated rules also do not apply to places like Scotland, where shops can open without restrictions on Sundays including Easter Sundays, and Christmas.
Conclusively, we have been able to see from this article what Aldi supermarket is all about, when it was founded, and by whom it was founded. We also delved into some frequently asked questions such as: “why is Aldi different from other stores, do sales increase for Aldi during Easter, What is Aldi’s opening time during the Easter period, and what is the main reason Aldi closes on Easter Sunday?. All the questions stated above gave insight into answering the question “is Aldi open on Easter”. From this article, it has been drawn that Aldi supermarket opens on Good Friday from 8 am to 10 pm and also on Easter Saturday from 8 am to 8 pm, but closes its store during Easter Sundays as a result of the government policy guiding large-scale stores in the United States and the United Kingdom.