When you think of places where you can get cheap groceries, Aldi is the first that comes to mind. It’s safe to say that it’s pretty popular amongst people in terms of not only the price point of view but also the great selection of items they have. Now it almost does seem too good to be true, doesn’t it?

This dream come true made me look further into what Aldi is doing right that helped them crack the code, and here is where all their secret sauce lies:

ALDI is a German-owned discount supermarket chain that has been giving other supermarkets a run for their money. Supermarkets are highly competitive and run on thin ice profits. Despite the competition, ALDI has been able to become a cult favorite thanks to their brutally efficient business model that entails keeping their expenses to the minimum, which allows them to price their products so aggressively on the lower end. Let’s look at it detail what their efficiency based model looks like from the get-go:

Reasons That Make Aldi Stores So Cheap and Affordable:

Smart Cart Rental System:

 It’s pretty simple, Aldi keeps its carts locked up, and for a customer to use a cart, and they have to rent it in exchange for a quarter. What makes this efficient? It creates an incentive for the shopper to return the cart in order to get their money back, which helps cut back on labor costs.

Limited Stocks Means Greater Discounts

At Aldi, you will find minimal stock, which means they don’t keep a lot of variations for a single product (less is more), and they also don’t carry big brands, which means no warehousing costs, smaller stores, and less rent.

That’s not all; you will find that at least 90% of products at Aldi are from its own private labels.

On-The-Go Packaging

You won’t find elaborate displays at Aldi, and that’s because they display their products in their original cardboard boxes and don’t go the conventional way of stacking them on shelves which not only wastes employees’ time but also results in higher labor costs. This results in only 3 to 4 employees working at a time, which helps Aldi keep labor costs down yet labor payout better than the industry average.

Buyer Brings The Bags

Aldi has a great strategy that is cost-efficient as well as environment friendly at the same time, now that’s what we call a win-win situation. They do that by charging customers for bags which encourages them to bring their own when shopping. This also allows the store to only keep a limited number of bags at hand.

Self-Serve Checkout Tills

Recently they have been testing out the self-checkout service, which has been received well for the most part. Self-service allows employees to focus on other departments such as restocking and aisle duty, and customer service. Moreover, they tactfully make use of more barcodes on each product for quick scans.

Energy-Efficient Lighting

A contemporary design (and even employing clear ceilings) will bring natural light into the business, making it ecologically beneficial. They’ll even utilize recyclable materials, energy-saving cooling, and LED lighting.

ALDI Cuts Costs in A Few Other Ways As Well

If you want to be cost-effective, you’ve got to rethink your home delivery strategy because no business has ever successfully kept that under cost efficiency. And that’s precisely what Aldi did, and they do not plan on introducing it any time soon.

Moreover, you won’t find a clearance section at Aldi, owning to their zero wastage policy. Because they are never over-stocked with products, there are limited chances of them reaching their expiry date and ending up on clearing shelves.

To manage fresh produce, Aldi is thinking of introducing near expiry stickers which will be placed along with the regular produce.

And lastly, they don’t offer loyalty cards or employee discounts.


ALDI is so sure of the quality of its products that they give a guarantee they call the “Twice as Nice” Guarantee. Returned merchandise can be exchanged or refunded if the customer is not satisfied. Overall, I found Aldi’s tactics quite the value for money. I’m definitely a convert.

How do Aldi’s private-label items stack up against well-known brands?

In today’s market, consumers are becoming more aware of private labels. An ALDI-exclusive product has won an award one in three times. If you don’t like an ALDI-exclusive product, you may return it for an exchange or a refund with a twice as nice guarantee.

How is Aldi different from the other stores?

It’s simple, for Aldi, its customers over profit. As pioneers of private-label food, they adhere to simplicity and quality. They provide the most incredible food at affordable rates, and everything they do is purposely meant to save customers money. It’s challenging to match the cheap pricing of ALDI when it comes to value.