Sadly, Bath & Bodyworks is NOT 100% cruelty-free as of 2022. This is because they might test their products on animals in Mainland China. Although brands in China are free from pre-market animal testing, they are not exempt from post-market animal testing. We can’t say with certainty that this brand is cruelty-free because of the possibility of animal experimentation.

Though, their website claims; 

However, in actuality, virtually anyone can claim cruelty-free, without having to provide any backing documents. That would be called deceptive advertising in any other sector.

The Advertising Standards Agencies would be all over any product claiming to be something it isn’t to persuade you to buy it. Still, they don’t seem to care about “cruelty-free”. Unfortunately, cruelty-free is no longer a selling point but rather a marketing tool. Like most brands, Bath&Body works curates their responses without supporting information. Read on to understand more about this.

How they mislead you?

Suppliers provide materials to brands, and many of the raw items aren’t cruelty-free. It’sIt’s more vital to know if the items’ essential components have been tested on animals.

PETA offers a thorough list of animal by-products and derivatives that you may use to cross-reference the label, but it’s time-consuming.

An authentic cruelty-free brand ensures that its suppliers do not test on animals, yet the majority of them do not. Even those advertised as “cruelty-free”.

What counts is the entire production chain, which has sadly been tainted. It is not acceptable for brands to only be concerned with their own chain segment.

What do their products contain?

Although Bath & Body Works states that its “products, formulations, or components” have not experimented on animals, many products nevertheless include animal derivatives.

Bath & Body Works does what many companies do: they utilize a loophole to declare that they don’t test on animals. Still, they’re only talking about their piece of the manufacturing process. Due to which they got off the list.

How did they get on the PETA list and off it?

As we’ve discussed before, brands can easily claim cruelty-free. Since Bath&Body initially hadn’t tested on animals until 2019, they were on the PETA list thanks to their eco-conscious approach. However, since they entered China, the company has changed its policy on testing on animals due to its operations. 

Testing in China

Regardless of what Bath Body works claim, each brand that sells in mainland China tests on animals.

This is due to Chinese law, which requires all cosmetic goods to undergo animal testing before being sold. As a result, companies seeking to enter the lucrative Chinese market must make a moral judgment. Many of them pick profit above compassion. Something Bath Body Works neglected to disclose during their summer 2019 trial selling items in China.

While they can avoid pre-market animal testing in China, they cannot avoid the obligation for post-market animal testing. That implies that all Bath & Body Works goods sold in China are tested on animals regardless of where they are made.

Again, the brand makes it appear as though no animals haven’t been hurt, yet this is simply not the case.

Are all items subjected to animal testing?

Fortunately, no, not all Bath&Body works products are tested on animals. Especially the ones outside China. Nevertheless, many of them are by-products that have been tested on animals in the manufacturing process.

They do have vegan products; however, you must weigh your conscience on how you feel about the lack of clarity, on animal testing, especially in China.

Reaching out to Bath&Body works for a response

While Bath&Body works states on their website that they prohibit testing on animals. A closer look at the brand would showcase that its parent company L Brands, has a different perspective.

L brands is a global retail holding known highly for its women’s apparel and beauty products, and they aren’t exactly known for being cruelty-free. In fact as stated, by the company itself over the outrage of their products, they said:

“L Brands policy prohibits the testing of our branded products, formulations and ingredients on animals except in rare cases when required by government regulations. Through our involvement in the Institute For In Vitro Sciences, we are supporting research to develop additional non-animal alternative methods which we believe will ultimately result in the elimination of animal testing worldwide.”

This is something Bath&Body works has failed to mention explicitly, considering the stance of their parent company. This lack of transparency is disheartening, especially for those of us who expressly want to be in support of inhumane testing. 


Bath and Personal Works is a supplier of body care goods, soap, scented candles, home fragrances, and various other items.

However, there are so many cruelty-free beauty companies that provide the same quality of service and products, if not better. Hence, We believe that there is no justification for supporting companies favouring animal testing.