The Boba Fett Rumors

Rumors of a Fett appearance didn’t need any hints or clues from production. Boba Fett is one of the most popular characters in the whole Star Wars franchise, so there have been rumors that he’ll appear in most of the new movies anyway, but Solo is the one where it really seemed to make the most sense.

Both Han and Boba are part of the seedier side of the Star Wars universe, with Han being a smuggler and Boba being a bounty hunter, so the association is understandable. Both also have a history working for Jabba the Hutt. Boba shows up as one of his hired guns in the special edition of A New Hope, and Han’s obvious history of working with Jabba, particularly the fact that he owes him money. Boba is the one that ends up tracking down Solo in The Empire Strikes Back, and there’s a hint of some sort of past encounter(s) between the two make Solo a logical place for him to pop up.

Fett also has a sizeable fanbase considering his small role, so some fans are also going to be rooting for him to make an appearance. There were rumors of him appearing in both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, yet he makes far less sense for those movies than he does for Solo; however, not only has there been no hints or teases of Boba Fett from the marketing, but no set photos, call sheets, or otherwise have indicated any sort of a Fett connection.

Why Boba Fett Probably Isn’t In Solo

The biggest clue that stoked rumors of Fett’s involvement came from a Ron Howard set photo where a silhouette in the background had similar characteristics to Boba Fett’s Mandalorian helmet. And while elements do bear a similar look, a closer comparison to Fett’s actual appearance shows that the angles don’t line up. If it is a Mandalorian helmet, it’s gotten the Picasso treatment.

Update: New Solo Image Explains Boba Fett Confusion

Besides, if Fett was in this movie as more than an Easter egg, it wouldn’t be kept this secret. Fans always want appearances like that to be massive reveals in the movie, but not only is it difficult to hide an appearance from a character like Fett, but it’s also a wasted marketing opportunity. Lucasfilm didn’t even hide Vader’s small part in Rogue One, and it’s safe to say Fett would have similar exposure if he were in Solo.

The Jabba the Hutt Rumors

Like Boba Fett, Jabba’s inclusion may seem like a no-brainer for those that see Solo as a simple explanation for the legends about Han’s life that we’ve already heard about. The major subplot for the original trilogy is about Han owing Jabba the Hutt a large sum of money for a botched job, culminating in Jabba the sail barge battle in the first act of Return of the Jedi.

Rumors that Jabba has a part to play surfaced after Ron Howard took over production, claiming the slug crime lord didn’t only appear in the movie, but actually had a crucial role to play in the film. The rumor went so far as to suggest that Jabba would be recreated as an animatronic like his original appearance in Return of the Jedi, but that he’d get some CGI supplements to make him a little more lifelike. This is the process used for most creatures in the new Star Wars movies, so everything seemed to line up.

Why Jabba the Hutt Probably Isn’t In Solo

Don’t get your hopes up for a major Jabba presence, though. While it’s hard to rule out some sort of minor cameo role, it’s safe to say the Hutt isn’t a major player in the larger plot of Solo. Simply looking at the story we’ve seen from the trailers, there doesn’t seem to be much opportunity for Jabba to have any kind of a role here. Han gets his first job from Tobias Beckett, has a run-in with Dryden Vos, Enfys Nest is some sort of disruptive force, and then there’s Moloch to contend with in there somewhere. Not to mention the pervasive force of the Galactic Empire.

Besides all that, there’s no Jabba merchandise. Jabba is a big enough character that there’d be bigger signs of his involvement in the movie. We know he gets tangled with Han later on, so there’s no major “twist” reveal to be had, so keeping him off of posters, trailers, and toy shelves makes little sense.

Solo has had a rough road with numerous behind the scenes issues, but it seems like its biggest struggle has always been expectations. Many fans assumed a Han Solo movie would have nothing new to offer the Star Wars universe since we already know Chewie pledged a life debt to him, that he won the Millennium Falcon from Lando, that he owes Jabba money, and etc, but with several decades of story to tell before Luke and Obi-Wan even met the grizzled smuggler in Mos Eisley Cantina, it makes sense that there might be a little more to Han than the handful of stories teased by the original trilogy.

Both Jabba and Boba Fett are only a small part of Han’s later life, so he doesn’t have to encounter them in his first outing. Who knows, if Lucasfilm wants to make a Solo 2, maybe that’s where the Hutt crime lord and Mandalorian armor-wearing bounty hunter will finally show up.

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