Is Cable Tv Dying?

By the 1970s, people caught up with the idea of using cable connections even to individual communities. Since then, it was on demand in every household.

But is cable tv dying now? This was once a myth but yes now it is evident, and many researchers and surveys say that cable tv is going to face a slow death. It might not be a hundred percent clean wipe-out from the planet, but it might disappear from the radar. 

But Why? Why Is Cable TV Dying?

The primary reason is technology intervention – it is an up-gradation of technology. It is a revolution of modern technology. Its competition of invention, just like how VHS took over Betamax, DVDs took over VHS, and Cable & satellite TVs took over broadcast TVs.  

The boom of online steaming – the first YouTube video streamed 17 years ago and after that, there was no looking back for YouTube. It was slow growth and an unexpected one.

Remember Blockbuster, the place where we rented DVDs to watch movies and then go through that pain of late fees and returning the DVDs on time. But then there was the birth of Netflix. Reid Hastings was sick of renting DVDs and hence, he invented Netflix.

But How? How Did This Change?

The internet or WWW has emerged in the late nineties which opened the doors to many other platforms like the present YouTube and other OTT i. e. , over-the-top meaning providing television and film content over the internet platforms.  

This was not an instant takeover but took at least 2 decades to come to reality.  

Now, it is even more advanced with 4G and 5G internet in place. Cable Tv is sure to see its death eventually.

Why would one choose an OTT platform over Cable TV?

Here Are The Factors Which Facilitated This Technological Revolution:

1. Cable TV Is Expensive: 

The average cost is $200 per month in the US in 2020 which is more than the utility bills. Could be useful to people who want to watch many channels but most of us just want to watch one or two channels. 

Other another hand a Netflix subscription costs me three dollars a month for a single device

2. In Online Streaming, We Can Pay As Per Usage But Cable Tv Has A Rigid Fee:

I do not have to pay for all the channels that I do not need and do not want to watch. I watch what I want and period. 

I can cancel my subscription whenever I want and not pay for it until I need it again. 

3. Mobility, Flexibility, And Convenience:

I cannot carry my TV with me while I am on a trip. I can open a YouTube video or any OTT platform and entertain myself at any time.

Online streaming has become a habit. It is more convenient because it is on my phone, my laptop, and my tablet which I carry everywhere.

4. Advertisements:

Online streaming has made us intolerant of ads. We watched long ads before but now do not have to do that anymore. Not while watching our favorite movie over Netflix.

5. Provides Employment:

YouTube has created a new set of professionals called YouTubers. They get paid for their content. It means it is free to watch but the icing on the cake is we can earn through it. Could this get any better! Until YouTube decides to charge for the usage!!

OTT platforms provide an opportunity for actors and artists who otherwise might have had a chance in this industry.

6. Censorship: 

The federal communications commission has the power to sensor anything over these signals. Not everyone is happy with this.

It is a universal fact that what begins must end. It is evident that cable TV also might see its downfall. The process has already begun unless they produce innovative strategies to combat the above factors of online streaming there is no scope to survive.

It is surely not going to be a hundred percent wipe-out because seventy-four million households in America still have Cable TVs because they want to watch sports and other live content.

One factor could still change the game and that’s if YouTube starts charging soaring prices and if the OTT plans get pricier which could be the case in the exceptionally long run but by then we would have bid adieu to Cable TV.

Why are some people still using cable TV?

They do not need it. Because they are living in that part of the world where technology has not yet advanced like in the rest of the world.

Will cable TV perish forever?

To 95 percent. At least in the next couple of years. 

What will happen to the cable tv operators?

Online streaming provides employment but also takes away a few jobs. They will have to eventually transition into other jobs or invent new ones.