CDKeys is a legitimate company and they have been around for a while. They sell keys for games, software, and other items.

CDkeys is a legitimate website and has been around for a long time. They sell CD keys, which are codes that allow you to download games from the internet. CDkeys is not an online store like Steam or Origin, so they don’t have any physical items to sell.

The answer to this question is not really straightforward. CDKeys are not “cheap” in the sense that they are inferior. They are, however, cheaper than retail prices because they are bought at wholesale prices and then resold online.

CDKeys is a legitimate business that sells discounted, unused CD keys for PC games. They sell these keys in order to make a profit and provide a service to gamers who want to purchase PC games at a discount.

CDKeys does not refund. This is a violation of the Consumer Rights Law by CDKeys. For instance, if a product is defective, then the store will have to refund customers for their purchase or replace the product if possible. The law further states that customers should be given the opportunity to inspect the product before purchasing it and that they have a 14 day period from purchase to cancel their order and receive a full refund.

CDKeys gets codes from the official distributors of the games. The distributors then get the codes from the publishers of the game, and finally, the publishers get their codes from developers.

CDKeys is a legitimate site that sells game keys for PC games. The site has been around since 2008 and is registered with the Better Business Bureau. They have an A+ rating. is a third-party website that provides CD keys for games and software. It is not affiliated with EA or Origin, so you cannot use it to purchase games from Origin.

CDKeys is a physical CD key retailer. They sell both digital and physical copies of games.

CDKeys is a reputable website that sells games, software, and other digital products. It’s safe to use credit cards on their site because CDKeys doesn’t store any credit card information. Instead, they use PayPal for payment processing.